A paper published in collaboration with our hospital Department of Neurosurgery and Epilepsy will be published in Cortex.
The publication will be in July 2024, but it is already available online.
Super-selective injection of propofol into the intracranial arteries enables patient’s self-evaluation of expected neurological Cortex, ahead of print.
Focal resection is an effective treatment option for refractory epilepsy. However, to minimize postoperative functional decline,
functional prognosis must be predicted before operation. Our group devised the super-selective Wada test (ssWada) as a way to simulate the postoperative state of patients by injecting an anesthetic into a branch of the cerebral artery. Unlike the classical Wada test, it is less likely to cause functional impairment and can selectively induce symptoms in discrete cortical areas. This paper introduces ssWada, which can simulate postoperative symptoms more safely, and describes how the results helped patients make surgical decisions.